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Minister’s Musing-Rev. Julie Lees

Trios seem to be popping up in my mind: Work, Rest Play / Time, Quality, Price / Father, Son, Holy Spirit / Mind, Body, Soul / Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer / Curly, Larry, Moe / Deep, Bold, Daring.

And I’m grateful for this because I often think in twos. I often think either/or; this or that; right or wrong; black or white. To think in twos creates an absolute kind of feeling. Like there is one choice and I better make the right one. It’s stressful. And, it creates such division – I’m on this side, you are on that side. I feel this way, you feel that way. Twos tend to eliminate the middle ground. And yet, my mind seems conditioned to operate from here.

But to think in threes creates space. There seem to be more options and more possibilities thinking this way. Almost like anything is possible; like all options are on the table; and like it would be hard to leave anyone out.

This Sunday will mark the end of our exploration of the United Church’s vision and call (deep / bold / daring). They are a trio and somehow, they feed, fuel and support each other. For example if we deepen our sense of spirituality do we get more conviction to be daring in our justice seeking? In these lazy hazy days of summer let’s continue to ponder how we can be deep and bold and daring.

See you Sunday.
