Who is super excited for fall? Crisp sunny days, cozy fireplace nights, crunchy leaves underfoot, pumpkin spiced everything…ok so it’s still technically summer, the rains haven’t hit yet, and I am sweltering in my sunny backyard as I write this. It’s no secret…I LOVE FALL. Something about back to school, back to routines, back to work and planning and gathering and preparing. I love it…and I LOVE OUR CHURCH! Hopefully we have all had some downtime, some spacious weeks to breathe and chill and experience God’s abundant creation. And now… we are welcomed back into the church that loves us!
This Sunday is our all-ages Welcome Back Sunday which will include a blessing of the backpacks for all who wish to participate. Whether you are returning to school or work, you are invited to bring your backpack, commuter bag, laptop, purse or brief case to be blessed. (Hint* we are going to explore themes of identity, generosity and grace!) Following worship is the annual BBQ with proceeds going to Shelter to Home. All are welcome, gluten free and vegetarian options available.
Come and be nourished in mind, body and soul by worshipping Christ together in community – your community!
Hooray for Fall!!!
Allie Keir