There is going to be a lot of Spirit-talk in church on Sunday. Those of you linked into the way the church calendar works will wonder why we are all about the Spirit when Pentecost, the great yearly festival of the Spirit is way ahead on the horizon. Isn’t that the season of Spirit?
But at this time of year we tell the stories of the expansion of the gospel light as Jesus carried it throughout Galilee and beyond, and as the disciples caught the vision and heard the call. And all of this is the work of the Spirit. The community of Jesus is called and inspired by the Spirit.
This Sunday we are fortunate to have Rev. Dr. Richard Topping, President of the Vancouver School of Theology offering the reflection and he plans to explore “the gifts of the Spirit given to all for service to God and the world.”
Gifts of the Spirit. Hm. What if we actually encountered the Spirit in church? What if the Spirit handed out the gifts that God actually calls us to use in the world. Would they be soft, gentle gifts helping us nudge the world toward the ways of God. Or would they be powerful, strong, and loud. Would they fit nicely into our lives or would they make us uncomfortable and lead us where we wouldn’t willingly go.
We often think of the Spirit as this gentle wind, a still small voice, whispering hope. I have a feeling Richard’s view of the Spirit may be a little more startling, unpredictable, and exciting. If the quote he submitted for the top of the bulletin is any indication, Richard may well introduce a wilder Spirit with more disruptive gifts than whispers, inklings and nudges. He may well challenge us to welcome this Spirit so that the life of God flourishes among us and beyond.
Come join in Spirit talk. You never know where it may take us.
See you Sunday.
Blessings, Will