* Denotes Required Field
* Title
First Name
Family Name
Email Address
Mailing Address
Phone Number
( ) -
If you are new to Highlands, how did you find us? (e.g. Google, a friend, website)
If you are a regular, how do you normally attend church? (e.g. mainly in person, mainly online, occasionally online)
Is there anything else you would like to share with us? (If you would like a follow-up phone call from a staff member, please let us know here.)
Would you like to receive regular emails from HUC giving worship links, event information, and the latest news? This is usually once a week (the “Friday email”), but occasionally includes special announcements. Please check one.
Yes, please add me.
No, not at this time, thanks.
I am already receiving the Friday Email.
Would you like to receive periodic emails from HUC intended specifically for online community members? Please check one.
Not at this time.
May we share your contact information with any of the following? Please check all that apply.
Highlands United Church ministry and office staff
Highlands United Church online ministry team (staff and volunteers)
Highlands United Church leadership board and standing committee chairs (our church leadership)
Please add me to the Highlands church directory and make my contact information accessible to all members of the Highlands church community
Please do NOT give out my contact information (phone number or email address) without checking with me first